Educating For The Future
Rato Bangala Foundation, in collaboration with Rato Bangala School and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, is organizing the third International Conference on Quality Education (ICQE) on 20, 21 and 22 December 2024.
The ICQE 2024 recognizes the need to align educational practices with the demands of the future, fostering learners’ ability to thrive in an ever-changing world. The conference will provide a platform for stakeholders to explore innovative approaches, share best practices, and collaborate on strategies to enhance the quality and relevance of education for all the children of Nepal. It aims to have a Conference at the Center in December 2024, and then over 2025, bring the learning from this conference to the Provinces.
- Foster dialogue and collaboration among educators, policymakers, researchers, and industrial leaders on best practices and innovation in education.
- Suggest ways to prepare learners to meet the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing world by developing relevant skills, knowledge, and mindsets.
- Propose methods to foster an environment that encourages learning through innovation, practical application, and experience, promoting active engagement and lifelong learning.
- Explore strategies for making learning meaningful and relevant by emphasizing the acquisition of life skills and competencies needed for the future workforce, such as adaptability, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
- Address the role of education in promoting sustainable development and social justice, fostering a resilient and equitable society through the integration of environmental, cultural, and ethical values, and enabling all children to participate.
- Bring learning of the Conference in Kathmandu to the Provinces over the next year.
Workshop, Presentation, and Poster Proposal form first deadline: Sept 30, 2024
For those interested in submitting a paper, workshop, and/or poster proposal to present at the conference, please fill out the application form which will be available on Aug 30. We encourage multiple submissions per applicant.
To submit Call for Papers, please click the Google Form link below.
All participants, including presenters, need to register for the conference. The registration fee is as follows:
- NRs 7,500 for Nepali nationals
- NRs 15,000 for International registrants
All registrations are non-refundable.
Registration Deadline: October 30, 2024
For more details about the conference, please reach out to
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